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meet our founder

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Hi, I am Alecia Petroze, and I founded Juniper Seed in 2022! I started with plant-based eating in 2019 to lessen my carbon footprint. What began as a small change to impact the environment has now become a lifestyle. 


In the early months of 2022, I was prompted by a family member to meal prep for her, as she had just moved back to the Cincinnati/ Northern Kentucky area and realized how few vegan options the region had to offer. After a few weeks, I  started to gain traction with offering plant-based meal prep to the public and realized the impact I  could have on the community. As a result, Juniper Seed was officially born! I plan on opening a brick-and-mortar restaurant that is 100% vegan in the future.  We would love to hear from you!  To learn more about our services, scroll to the bottom of the page and join our mailing list.



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